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A bit about me

I was born in 1987 to a Swedish mother and an Egyptian father, and I grew up in Sweden. Growing up multiculturally fostered a deep awareness of the vastness of human experience. I hold a bachelor’s degree in social psychology.


Driven by a profound yearning for something eternal that transcends limitations, I immersed myself in diverse Eastern philosophies. I have explored the teachings of Osho (Rajneesh), Papaji, Ramana Maharshi, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Acharya Prashant, and Adyashanti, among others.

Through this journey, I have come to understand how spiritual truths can be applied to our everyday lives. Even though not being Eastern, I finally found "A Course in Miracles" (ACIM) and the work of Dr. Kenneth Wapnick who taught the Course. The Course has resonated with me more than any other teaching; hence, it has become my primary spiritual practice.

What resonates most deeply with me is ACIM's unique approach to integrating our darkness, resistance, and conflicted interpersonal relationships into the path of healing. ACIM offers a powerful intellectual framework for understanding our inner workings, serving as a form of “spiritual psychotherapy.” It doesn't shy away from the darkness but rather uses it as a gateway for healing. As you read my books, you will find its unique perspective on spirituality and psychotherapy.

To schedule me for an event in the US, or internationally, or to schedule an interview, e-mail

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